SERENA on BepiColombo
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The Bepi-Song

28 September 2018

The "Bepi-Song" was born from the scientific community of the BepiColombo mission, on the occasion of its launch. A copy of the song will be on board the mission that will reach Mercury. The piece composed by Stefano Orsini (text and melody), was arranged for orchestra by two masters: Angelo Coccia director of the Roman Philharmonic choir of Rome and Silvano Buogo director of "Coriandolo" (the choir of ARTOV). Other people collaborated on the realization, primarily Raymond Hoof of the ESA for synthesized musical effects.

Song interpreters:

    Stefano Orsini (INAF-IAPS), in Italian
    Alessandro Aronica (INAF-IAPS) in Neapolitan
    Go Murakami (ISAS, Japan) in Japanese
    Joe Zender, (ESA.ESTEC) in German
    Elsa Montagnon (ESA-ESOC), in French
    Sara De La Fuente (ESA-ESAC), in Spanish